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On The House – Free Drinks And Responsible Service Of Alcohol

By Peter Cutforth

November 21, 2011

Free Drinks, Responsible Service of Alcohol, responsible service of alcohol course online, RSA Australia

Free drinks and responsible service of alcohol can be a tricky thing. Do you have a favorite customer?  The one that warms the same seat every night or so. Maybe they give tips, or maybe they buy really expensive drinks. What do you do if they ask or imply that they should get a free drink? First, and foremost, you should always acquaint yourself with house policy. Some establishments are more lenient than others about some issues. But a good rule of thumb is that there is no such thing as a free drink! A “free” drink will always cost someone, something. Whether it is an extra shot in a mixed drink, or a purposely forgotten drink on a tab, giving any customer a freebie is never a good idea. Some bars have house tabs just for this purpose, but they should be used cautiously. Extra pours always find their way back to management, usually, by way of the recipient’s bragging.  When it comes down to it, if the owner has not agreed to it, then every drop of over-pour is stealing. Don’t forget that a little extra goes a long way. When someone is used to a certain amount of alcohol, they usually don’t stop, until their wallet tells them to. By this point, that “little extra” has gotten them far more drunk than they realise.  This is very irresponsible service of alcohol. 10g of alcohol is considered 1 standard drink. So if the wine is 10% alcohol then 100ml is a standard drink if it is 20% alcohol 50ml is standard and 5% alcohol 200ml is standard. All bottled drinks are required to have how many standard drink are in them on the label. eg a beer may say 1.5 standard drinks on it. However for spirits on average 1 nip or 30ml is a standard drink. If someone is counting their drinks and thinks they have had 2 when it is actually 3 or 4 they may end up driving and being over the limit. How would you feel if they lost their license and it was your fault.

Responsible Service Of Alcohol

Sometimes a drink on the house is called for. Usually there has been a mistake on the bartenders part, or a customer has helped the establishment in some way, like cleaning up a broken glass, or stopping a fight when security was unable to get to it or they didn’t notice the build up, until too late. Make it clear, from the get go, that you will not be manipulated into giving out freebies. Some customers will be upset or irritated, but it is likely that these customers are just trying their luck. The most important thing for you and the your establishment to to make sure you engage in Responsible Service Of Alcohol

Responsible Service Of Alcohol

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