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New Zealanders vote to keep Minimum alcohol age at 18

By Peter Cutforth

September 8, 2012

Alcohol Reform Bill, minimum alcohol purchase age, New Zealand

The Prime Minister of New Zealand, John Key expressed his disappointment over a vote by parliament which elected to keep the minimum alcohol purchase age at 18 rather than reverting back to 20. The result is interesting and Aussies should use this as an example as many of the same alcohol related problems present in NZ are plaguing Aussies as well.

Although the prime minister and many members of the community were saddened by the result, youth in NZ were revelling at the decision.

Parliament threw out the proposal after most of the voters in parliament decided to keep the alcohol purchase age as is, this despite the public expressing their concern for the alcohol purchase age, according to the prime minister.

The Alcohol Reform Bill which has been tabled in parliament is aimed at curbing binge drinking and there are still other proposals on the bill that are aimed at doing just that.

The Bill is also proposing to give communities a greater say on the location of liquor stores as well as restricting the types of stores that can sell alcohol and introducing maximum trading hours. It will also make it an offence to promote alcohol in a way that is appealing to minors.

The Alcohol Reform Bill will most probably be passed into law later in 2012.

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